Lessons and Carols

Date: SUNDAY, December 21st,  2025Time: 7:30 pm Historic Leith Church Festival of Nine Lessons and CarolsJoin us in the lamp-lit beauty and warmth of Leith’s “Auld Kirk” to hear again the story of the birth of Christ in word and song. The lessons...

Annual Ceilidh – A Family Event

“Tom Thomson Ceilidh”  Saturday, July, 7 pm,  2025   Tickets: $20 at roxytheatre.ca Bring a lawn chair. Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00...

Anniversary Service

160th Anniversary Service Sunday, August, 2025 11:00 AM A celebration of the historic Leith United Church building, established as a Church of Scotland in 1865, and fondly restored by the Friends of Leith...

Open To Public

Dates: Sundays July and August – Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Historic Leith Church will be open to the public.