
Make a Difference with Your Greatly Appreciated Donations
Leith Summer FestivalHistoric Leith Endowment Fund

Different Ways To Donate

~Scroll down for list of 2024 Donors~


Donations to the Leith Summer Festival can be made by e-transfer.

  1. Copy the address into your bank’s Interac transfer page.
  2. Kindly remember to put your contact info in the message field to get a tax receipt.

Alternatively, cheques made out to Leith Summer Festival can be mailed to:


Historic Leith Church
419498 Tom Thomson Lane
Leith, ON N0H 1V0
Attention: Treasurer

leith summer festival donations

The Leith Summer Festival is registered as a Charitable Organization by Revenue Canada.

Official Name: Leith Summer Festival
Business Number: 79653 6498 RR0001

The funds raised are used for the following purposes:

  • To produce professional performing arts festivals
  • To maintain the Historic Leith Church building
  • To provide ongoing support of cultural events in Grey Bruce and surrounding Counties.
endowment fund donations

Historic Leith Endowment Fund

The Friends of Leith Church have established the Leith Historic Endowment Fund. Donations to this fund held in perpetuity by the Community Foundation Grey Bruce to ensure the long-term preservation and restoration of this architectural treasure, its cultural programs, and the interpretation of the historic site which played an important role in the life of Tom Thomson. We invite you to make a difference to the community by donating to this fund in memory of loved ones, to mark special occasions or by including a bequest in your will. Matching funds are made available through Heritage Canada on an annual basis.

You may make a donation to the Endowment Fund by sending it to either:

Treasurer – Leith Summer Festival
419498 Tom Thomson Lane
Leith, ON N0H 1V0


Community Foundation Grey Bruce
PO Box 81
946 3 rd Avenue East
Owen Sound, ON
Phone: 519 371 7203


If you would like to make a donation online go to the Community Foundation Grey Bruce website and scroll down to the Leith Summer Festival Endowment Fund.

Please note: Canada Help Donations do not inform us of your donations. Additionally, a portion is held for administrative fees.

leith church donations

Recognition of contributions will be discussed with donors.

The Leith Summer Festival wishes to thank these supporters of the 2024 Concert Season: